Monday, April 30, 2007

Tomorrow is May Day!

In Hawaii, May Day is Lei Day.

May Day is Lei Day in Hawai`i

May 1st

"...May Day is Lei Day in Hawai`i
Garlands of flowers ev'rywhere,
All of the colors in the rainbow
Maidens with blossoms in their hair
Flowers that mean we should be happy,
Throwing aside a load of care,
Oh, May Day is Lei Day in Hawai`i
Lei Day is happy day out there."
~ Red Hawke, 1928

May 1st marks ka lâ hânau (the birthday) of The Hula Pages, an auspiciously appropriate day, as this day holds special and sentimental hula significance for every keiki o ka `âina (child of the land).

Source of Photo: Unknown. If known to you, please e-mail.
Credit will be gratefully cited and linked.

For those blessed with a childhood in Hawai`i, there was no finer or more festive day of Hawaiian celebration. For this Aunty's home village in Puna on the Big Island, The May Day Pageant, held at the school, was a far bigger event than the Christmas Program, which came in second, a distant second. May Day was not, and still is not, an official Hawaiian holiday, but villagers took off work anyway, whether they had kids in school or not. It was a day that drew us together like a powerful magnet. We came together as a community in celebration and remembrance of our cultural heritage and diversity.